Call for Electroacoustic Works and Performances 2024

Call for Electroacoustic Works and Performances 2024

LIMINA aims to promote international cooperation between composition students and contemporary music performers from different countries. Its main goal is to create an opportunity for young artists to learn from each other, to get to know different cultures and to build international relationships.


For the 10th anniversary of the Limina Festival, we invite young composers to apply for creating a new electro-acoustic work or performance (maximum 8.1 channel audio, 1 channel video).

The composer can also perform the work, no additional performers are available!
Duration of the new work: 10 minutes
Who can apply?

Composers of any age and nationality, currently studying in Europe.
Note: composers, who have already been selected as participants in the festival two times previously, cannot apply. 


Send us the following in one PDF file (document name: YOUR_NAME.pdf):

  1. Short biography in English
  2. Online link(s) (no download) to max. 2 of your recent works.
  3. A valid copy of the document, proving your current composition studies in Europe (Confirmation of studies, up-to-date student card (with a visible expiration date) or a signed letter from your university/music school). Applications without such documents will not be accepted!
  4. Short motivational letter, including answers to these questions:
  • Why do you want to participate?
  • What compositional ideas would you have for your work in case you get selected?

Additional Information:

3 selected composers will be invited to compose for and participate in the Limina Festival and its events, held at the Mozarteum University Salzburg on 28 – 30 November 2024.

The selection of the composers will be made by a Jury consisting of members of the Limina team. The main criteria being quality and style of the recent pieces, provided with the application.

(Legal recourse is excluded, the decision of the jury cannot be questioned).

Selected students will be provided with accommodation in Salzburg for the time of the festival, as well as will receive a refund up to 200€ for their travel costs.

The festival keeps the right to cancel the performance of the selected composer’s piece if the composer fails to provide the work on time, or if any other objective problem occurs. 

Active participation, once selected and confirmed, is obligatory. If the selected composer is not able to attend the festival, the composition (even if already finished) might not be performed!

Application documents have to be sent by e-mail to  in one PDF file.


(For your information: deadline for complete works: 26th of October 2024)

Please note: applications, received after the deadline or missing any of the required files cannot be considered!

All applicants will be informed about the selection latest on the 10th of August, 2024.

Further information under: